Focused Care Visits

Focused Care Visits

Dr. Natalie has two visit types where membership is not required: Hormones (Men and Women) or Mental Health.

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  • Dr. Natalie optimizes hormones for men and women of all ages.
  • Young women can access birth control solutions with Dr. Natalie.
  • Expert and detailed thyroid care tailored to you.
  • Targeted care designed to restore hormone balance and help you thrive.
  • Dr. Natalie is a trusted expert in functional hormone health.
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Dr. Natalie’s Virtual Office

  • Dr. Natalie use a HIPAA compliant electronic health record to keep your records and conduct your virtual visits.
  • Scheduling is online
  • Any technology can be used (cellphone, laptop, IPad) for virtual visits.
  • You can be seen in-person
  • Don’t let your basic understanding of technology stop you!  It’s easy!
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Mental Health

  • Dr. Natalie prescribes medication or support for mental health.
  • Dr. Natalie offers medical guidance regarding sacred plants.
  • Innovative prescribing using evidenced informed approach
  • Lifestyle guidance and functional medicine to compliment the prescribing
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