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The Untapped Freedom of Self-Insured Wellness

Welcome to a new era of healthcare freedom! In a world dominated by insurance plans and medical bureaucracy, it’s time to explore a revolutionary concept – being uninsured as a form of self-insurance. At Natalie Kunsman, MD Integrated Health Advisor we believe in empowering individuals to take control of their health without the constraints of traditional insurance. Let’s dive into the liberating realm of self-insured wellness and discover how it opens up endless possibilities for your journey to optimal health.

The Myth of Dependency:

Many believe that being uninsured equates to vulnerability. However, we challenge this notion and invite you to see it differently – as a powerful choice to become self-insured. Traditional insurance often limits your choices, forcing you into a one-size-fits-all healthcare approach. With self-insurance, you have the freedom to choose healthcare providers and treatments that align with your unique needs and values.

Unlocking Freedom of Choice:

Dr. Natalie celebrates the idea that being self-insured allows you to break free from the constraints of insurance-driven healthcare. Her membership program empowers you with choices that cater specifically to your health goals. Imagine having the flexibility to explore holistic approaches, cutting-edge therapies, and personalized care that truly addresses the root causes of your health concerns.

Personalized Care Tailored to You:

One of the greatest advantages of self-insured wellness is the opportunity to experience truly personalized care. Dr. Natalie’s functional medicine approach focuses on understanding the interconnectedness of your body systems, enabling her to create individualized treatment plans that go beyond symptom management. Say goodbye to generic solutions and embrace a healthcare journey that revolves around you.

Affordability and Transparency:

Contrary to popular belief, self-insured wellness doesn’t have to break the bank. At “Integrated Health Advisor” we’ve designed our membership program to be affordable and transparent. No more hidden fees, confusing copays, or surprise bills – just straightforward, upfront pricing that puts you in control of your healthcare spending.

Investing in Preventive Health:

Self-insurance is not just about treating illness; it’s about investing in your long-term well-being. Dr. Natalie has a proactive approach to healthcare emphasizing prevention, helping you avoid costly treatments down the road. However, she is also very adept at detangling the complicated root causes of mystery and persistent heatlh conditions.  By becoming a member at Dr. Natalie’s you are making a commitment to prioritize your health and take charge of your wellness journey.


In a world where health decisions are often dictated by insurance providers, self-insured wellness emerges as a beacon of freedom and choice. At Natalie Kunsman, MD Integrated Health Advisor, we invite you to embrace a new paradigm of healthcare – one that puts you at the center and empowers you to take control of your well-being. If you are insured, there are pieces of your healthcare journey that can integrate with Dr. Natalie’s care. Join her on this transformative journey toward optimal health, where being uninsured is not a vulnerability but a bold step towards a future of personalized, affordable, and empowered healthcare. Your health, your choice – experience the freedom of self-insured wellness today!

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